An Integrated Approach of Remote Sensing and GIS for Mapping Groundwater Resources in Mubi Region of Adamawa State, Nigeria

This study employs multi-criteria decision analysis based on Saaty’s analytical hierarchy processing technique to establish groundwater potentiality in the study area. The technique weighted and ranked seven hydrogeological parameters: geomorphology, lineament density, drainage density, soil type, slope, rainfall, and land use/land cover based on their relative contribution to groundwater occurrence. The derived normalized weight, and rank of the hydrogeological parameters were further integrated using the overlay tool in the ArcGIS software to delineate the groundwater potential zone of the study area. The groundwater potentiality map generated consists of five groundwater potential classes: very high, high, moderate, low, and very low. The map shows that the study area generally has moderate groundwater potentiality (76.35 %). The very high and high potential classes occupy 2.2% and 12.75 % of the study area, respectively.
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Multi-criteria, Groundwater, Weightage overlay, GISDownloads
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